Welcome to the TEG TECH website, as well as my first blog entry! Tega here, and I'm really pleased to show you more of what TEG TECH has to offer! The number of ideas, how-TOs, and other spinning about in my thoughts is about to explode. I wanted to start by explaining why I started this blog and what you can expect to see more of in my future postings.

Many of my friends have said, "Why don't you establish a blog?" since I started my business, and I had no idea what a "blog" was until a few months ago. I never clicked on blog links since I didn't understand why people kept blogs and I believed it was a waste of time to look into it. I WAS WRONG. I've become fully overwhelmed with inspiration to start a blog for TEG TECH after doing a lot of research and made friends with a few bloggers along the way who have been so generous with their time and advise. I've now recognized the many advantages that blogging can provide.

what you'll see in more of my posts

My blog will clearly focus on computers, but be prepared to see a lot more, including graphic design, software engineering, crypto currency, robotics, gaming, mobile development, products, and other small tech stuff. So, mostly, I'll be disseminating ideas, instructions, and tutorials, and please feel free to offer me advise and contact with me along the road! I aim to inspire you because you all inspire me, and I am really excited to go into the future with you.
